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Langey/Fischer Tutor

 เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-28 23:21:20.0
 แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2022-12-28 12:06:02.0

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  • 23586 Price
  • 23587 Price
  • 23588 Price
  • CategoryHorn
  • PublisherCarl Fischer
  • CodeO748
  • ISBN9780825827570
  • UPC798408027575
  • FormatBook
  • Artist/AurthorLangey Otto
  • Weigth (G)400
  • Width9"
  • Length12"
  • Pages118
  • Retail Price1130
  • Wholesale Price1000
  • ImageO748
  • StatusIn Stock
  • Song ListLangey: Langey/Fischer Tutor
1130.00 บาท

A great practice book for French hornists filled with exercises on scales, sharps, breathing techniques, chords, and flats.


Gabriel Par?s: Daily Exercises and Scales for French Horn Saint-Sa?ns, C: Morceau de concert Op.94 Hindemith, P: Alto Horn Sonata (1943) French Horn (Otto Langey Practical Tutor) Nielsen, C: Canto serioso