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Simon Fischer The Violin Lesson
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-28 18:37:59.0
แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2022-11-16 17:53:57.0
340 pages Every chapter of The Violin Lesson is a masterful presentation in which Simon Fischer tackles the obvious and seemingly intractable problems of playing and teaching the violin. Richly illustrated with hundreds of photographs, this book is engaging and candidly narrated. Nobody who is seriously interested in playing, teaching or studying the violin - at any level from professional to amateur, advanced to elementary - can afford not to add The Violin Lesson to their library. In his typically thorough but straightforward way, he addresses technique, musical artistry and psychology as manageable and interconnected units, often illuminating the problems from new and unexpected angles and transforming even the most intimidating matters into inviting subjects with clear solutions. In Background Essentials, Fischer covers seldom-discussed essential elements of musicianship, technique and how to practice. The chapter on Avoiding Aches and Pains offers understanding of the causes of injuries, as well as new and effective remedies and prevention practices.