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Masterwork Classics, Level 5

 เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-28 17:45:12.0
 แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2023-01-04 16:26:05.0

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  • Filter-PianoALL:ALL, Classical:ALL, Classical:Master Series/Various Artists
  • 23586 Price
  • 23587 Price
  • 23588 Price
  • price_original_Retail529
  • price_Retail529
  • price_original_Wholesale529
  • CategoryPiano Classical
  • PublisherAlfred
  • Code414
  • ISBN9780739016718
  • UPC038081012711
  • SeriesMasterwork Classics
  • FormatBook & CD
  • Artist/AurthorValery Lloyd-Watts
  • Weigth (G)200
  • Width9"
  • Length12"
  • Pages48
  • Retail Price500
  • Wholesale Price349
  • Image414
  • StatusOut of Stock
  • Song ListA Sad Story [Op. 63, No. 12]Jean Louis Streabbog (composer) AndantinoAram Khachaturian (composer) Angels' Voices [Op. 100, No. 21]Johann Freidrich Burgm?ller (composer) Ave Maria [Op. 100, No. 19]Johann Freidrich Burgm?ller (composer) Etude in A Minor [Op. 27, No. 3]Dmitri Kabalevsky (composer) Etude in C Major [Op. 47, No. 1]Stephen Heller (composer) In a Woodland Glade [Op. 98, No. 6]Alexander Gretchaninov (composer) March in D Major [BWV Anh. 122] March in D Minor [BWV Anh. 132] Prelud in F Major [BWV 927]Johann Sebastian Bach (composer) Prelude in G MajorJohann Kuhnau (composer) Rocking [Op. 31, No. 7]Vladimir Rebikov (composer) Scherzo in D MinorCornelius Gurlitt (composer) Sonatina in C Major [Op. 157, No. 4]Fritz Spindler (contributor) Sonatina in C Major [Op. 168, No. 3]Anton Diabelli (composer) Sonatina in C Major [Op. 39, No. 3]Frank Lynes (contributor) Sonatina in F Major [Anh. 5, No. 2]Ludwig Van Beethoven (composer) Sonatina in F Major [Op. 168, No. 1]Anton Diabelli (composer) Sonatina in G Major [Op. 36, No. 2]Muzio Clementi (composer) The BanditB?la Bart?k (composer) The Cadets [Op. 64, No. 11]Jean Louis Streabbog (composer) The Farewell [Op. 100, No. 12]Johann Freidrich Burgm?ller (composer) The Orphan [Op. 64, No. 4]Jean Louis Streabbog (composer) The Village GirlsB?la Bart?k (composer) Will-o-the-Wisp [Op. 140, No. 15]Cornelius Gurlitt (composer)
500.00 บาท

A progressive repertoire series designed to motivate students while allowing them to progress evenly and smoothly from the earliest classics toward intermediate literature. These pieces are from the standard classical literature, chosen to appeal both to teacher and student. Each volume comes with a corresponding CD. Pianist Valery Lloyd-Watts studied at the Conservatory of Music in Toronto and the Royal College of Music in London. She earned a Master of Music degree from the University of Wisconsin, where she studied with Paul Badura-Skoda.


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