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J.S. Bach An Introduction To His Keyboard/CD
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-28 17:45:04.0
This diversified collection guides students to develop stylistic performances of Bach's keyboard works. Among the 27 selections are numerous menuets, "short" preludes and suite movements. The introductory material contains an excellent discussion of ornamentation, rhythm, articulation, tempo and dynamics in the keyboard music of this master composer. The Alfred Masterwork CD Editions conveniently combine each exceptional volume with a professionally recorded CD that is sure to inspire artistic performances. 64 pages.
PIanist Scott Price is the chair of the Piano Department at the University of South Carolina and holds a doctorate in piano performance from the University of Oklahoma. He has given master classes and recitals throughout the United States and Southeast Asia. His recordings are featured in Alfred�s Premier Piano Course.