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Jazz Chords On Piano
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2018-06-26 01:13:02.0
แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2023-01-31 13:45:52.0
Jazz Chords On Piano by Tormod Vinsand (2017). A methodical introduction to the understanding and usage of jazz chords on piano. Over the years, many non-pianists ( i.e. musicianswho do not use the piano as their main instrument) have tried to transfer the principles of traditional triads and tetrachords to jazz chords - with varying degrees of success. With the book "Jazz Chords on Piano" Tormod Vinsand gives you some guidelines that may help demystify the process of making a piano arrangement with melody and jazz chords. The reader will get tools making it possible to create a piano arrangement, which will adequately include the melodics, harmonics and rhythm of a composition. The book is not meant to be a school in jazz piano - but more an introduction into the work with jazz harmonics and melody playing of a piano arrangement. The overall basis of the book is standard jazz, which means jazz with its harmonic basis in II - V - I connections. The book's tunes are recorded by the composer himself and can be accessed via the web.