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Kember, J: Piano Sight-Reading 3 Vol. 3
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2018-06-26 00:48:56.0
แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2018-06-28 17:09:54.0
This book of pieces aims to establish good practice and provide an early introduction to the essential skill of sight -reading. In Part 1 the basic keys of C, G, F and D major and A and D minor are explored while keeping to movement limited to steps, skips and repeated notes in a 5-note rangePIANO SIGHT-READING & MORE PIANO SIGHT-READING - press reviewsThe books have a classy presentation, with notation nicely engraved and well spaced ... For those looking for an authoritative and well structured approach to learning real-world sight-reading skills, John Kember�s �Piano Sight-Reading Series� jumps to the top of my list of recommendations.