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Repertoire Classics for Piano,Vol.175 Recital Pieces Compiled and Edited with Master Classes

 เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2018-06-17 20:55:17.0
 แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2018-07-08 11:32:37.0

  • 23586 Price
  • 23587 Price
  • 23588 Price
  • CategoryPiano Classical
  • PublisherCarl Fischer
  • CodePL1033
  • ISBN9780825887284
  • UPC0798408087289
  • FormatBook & CD
  • Artist/AurthorPaul Sheftel & Phyllis Alpert Lehrer
  • Weigth (G)370
  • Width9"
  • Length12"
  • Pages96
  • Retail Price760
  • Wholesale Price760
  • StatusOut of Stock
  • Song ListAnonymous (attributed to J.S. Bach): Musette Anonymous (attributed to J.S. Bach): Minuet in G Anonymous (attributed to J.S. Bach): Minuet Anonymous (attributed to J.S. Bach): Polonaise J.C.F. Bach: Schw?bisch J.S. Bach: March J.S. Bach: Minuet J.S. Bach: Musette W.F. Bach: Minuet W.F. Bach: Minuet in G Major L.v. Beethoven: Country Dance L.v. Beethoven: ?cossaise L.v. Beethoven: German Dance in G Major L.v. Beethoven: German Dance in A Major L.v. Beethoven: German Dance in C Major L.v. Beethoven: German Dance in D Major L.v. Beethoven: Russian Folk Song, op. 107, no. 7 L.v. Beethoven: Russian Folk Song in A Minor J.F. B?rgmuller: L'Arabesque J.F. B?rgmuller: Restlessness J. Clarke: March F. Couperin: Le Petit Rien C. Czerny: Six Etudes C. Czerny: Study in C Major A. Diabelli: Bagatelle in G Major A. Diabelli: Bagatelle in C Major W. Duncombe: Fanfare W. Duncombe: Sonatina W. Duncombe: Gigue M.I. Glinka: Polka E. Grieg: Elfin-Dance C. Gurlitt: The Mill F.J. Haydn: Allemande F.J. Haydn: German Dance in A Major F.J. Haydn: German Dance in C Major F.J. Haydn: German Dance in D Major, no. 1 F.J. Haydn: German Dance in D Major, no. 3 F.J. Haydn: German Dance in D Major F.J. Haydn: German Dance in E Major F.J. Haydn: German Dance in G Major F.J. Haydn: Gypsy Dance F.J. Haydn: Minuet in A F.J. Haydn: Minuet in D F.J. Haydn: Minuet in G J. Hook: Dance J. Hook: Minuet L. K?hler: In the Garden L. K?hler: Soldier's Song F. Le Couppey: Musette J-B. Lully: Minuet L. Mozart: Bourlesq L. Mozart: Minuet from Notebook for Nannerl L. Mozart: Minuet from Notebook for Wolfgang L. Mozart: Minuet frrom Notebook for Wolfgang L. Mozart: Bourr?e L. Mozart: Minuet from Notebook for Nannerl W.A. Mozart: Air W.A. Mozart: Allegro W.A. Mozart: Minuet W.A. Mozart: Minuet (Menuetto) C. Pezold: Minuet in G J-P. Rameau: Minuet J-P. Rameau: Le Lardon V. Rebikoff: The Bear V. Rebikoff: Playing Soldiers F. Schubert: Ecossaise in G Major R. Schumann: Little Piece G.P. Telemann: Gigue G.P. Telemann: Minuet G.P. Telemann: Passepied D.G. T?rk: Carefree D.G. T?rk: Rondino D.G. T?rk: Arioso D.G. T?rk: The Dancing Master D.G. T?rk: Minuet
  • Filter-PianoALL:ALL, Classical:ALL, Classical:Master Series/Various Artists
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760.00 บาท

Consisting of three volumes, Repertoire Classics for Piano is a comprehensive and progressively graded collection of classic solos for piano. Volume 1 contains 75 pieces. Each book includes a data CD contains the following for each solo: performance tracks as well as master class lessons featuring performance and practice techniques by piano pedagogues Paul Sheftel and Phyllis Lehrer for each piece. Listen to performances from a real concert grand piano and get the benefit and insight of master instructors as they teach the finer points of performance, technique and even offer some historical context. These books contain a fine mix of easy to play, unabridged, original piano solos written by �the masters� for beginning pianists. There is a wide variety of music from all style periods and by some of the greatest composers of all time. Biographies of each composer are also included. These collections are a must for piano students and teachers.


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