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Brahms Hungarian Dances for piano WoO1 McCorkle
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2018-05-05 23:05:06.0
แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2023-02-02 16:06:08.0
The Hungarian Dances were published in three different, yet authentic versions during the composers lifetime: (1) all 21 dances arranged for piano duet, (2) nos. 1-10 also for solo piano and (3) nos.1, 3 and 10 as orchestral arrangements. Now the Wiener Urtext Edition presents both the piano versions (for 2 and for 4 hands) in new editions and the piano duet version appears here for the first time in the form of a score, i.e. primo and secondo are set as pairs on one page and not, as usual, separated on facing pages. This layout mirrors that of Brahms surviving autograph of versions 1 and 2 but, additionally, offers significant advantages for study and performance: clearer presentation of the entire composition, easier orientation, no more frantic counting during rests in one part, thanks to the easy legibility of the portrait-format music both players can be more in tune with each other