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Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Lesson Book 1
เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2018-02-06 23:50:08.0
แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2022-10-20 17:13:40.0
Adult Piano Adventures enables the adult beginner to play music for pleasure while developing musical understanding. This comprehensive �All-in-One� book includes lessons, technique, and theory in a single volume for ease of use. Book 1 presents the fundamentals of music notation, chord playing, and musical form. The redesigned layout improves information hierarchy, putting focus on key concepts and step-by-step learning. Audio and video files are included on CD and DVD at the back of this perfect-bound book, or may be accessed online�over two hours of instructional videos and accompaniment tracks that inspire rhythmic vitality and artistic expression. Songs include: Amazing Grace � The Can-Can � Catch a Falling Star � Danny Boy � Eine Kleine Nachtmusik � The Entertainer � Greensleeves � The Lion Sleeps Tonight � and more!