Song ListMelody
The Bee
Much Ado About Nothing
Some Folks Do
At the Animal Fair
On the Levee
Pop Goes the Weasel
Boogie Woogie Bil
Robin Redbreast
Shufflin' Along
Shadow Dance
The Juggler
I Like Rhythm
Tribal Dance
Cake Walk
Chord Capers
An Old Folk Tune
Cross-Hand Etude
Chinese Teatre
Presant Dance
Etude ib B Flat
O Sole Mio
Cowboy's Song
A Little Bit of Rag
Holiday Song
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp
By Moonlight
How D'ye Do?
A comprehensive step-by-step course specifically designed to suit the needs of all children beginning the piano. Includes: characters and illustrations � writing exercises � sight reading drills � review work � accompaniments � and more.