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Early Start on the Double Bass, Volume 1

 เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-29 00:36:32.0
 แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2022-11-18 12:26:58.0

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  • CategoryDouble Bass
  • PublisherB?renreiter
  • CodeBA9661
  • ISBN9790006540266
  • SeriesSassmannshaus
  • FormatBook
  • Artist/AurthorClose, J. Peter / Sassmannshaus, Holger
  • Weigth (G)300
  • Width9"
  • Length12"
  • Pages72
  • Retail Price580
  • Wholesale Price580
  • ImageBA9661
  • StatusOut of Stock
  • Song ListPreface ? Note Values and Symbols ? The Open Strings ? Crossing Strings ? The First Finger in the First Position ? Whole Steps with the First Finger ? Playing the First Finger on Two Strings ? The Fourth Finger ? Triads with the First and Fourth Fingers ? Eighth Notes ? Three-Quarter Time ? More Exercises, Songs and Bowings ? The Second Finger ? Major Triads ? Scales, Key Signatures and Accidentals ? Slurred Notes ? The Half Position ? Scales in F Major and B flat Major ? New Songs and Bowing Patterns ? The Portato Stroke 15.95 � incl. VAT Lieferbarkeitsanzeigeavailable Copies 1 Add to cart
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580.00 บาท

B?renreiter's long established standard work for young string players has received a welcome addition: �Fr?her Anfang auf dem Kontrabass�. It takes into account the ever-younger children's ensembles and orchestras that have increasingly emerged in recent decades and demand a full range of strings. After beginning with open strings and simple note values, Volume 1 introduces the 'cuckoo call' (minor 3rd) as a basic interval for guidance purposes and for mastering good intonation. It makes use of nursery rhymes, all of which are supplied with words to ensure that the melody lines can be easily grasped as a whole. Fingers 1, 4 and 2 are introduced in succession along with note values from whole note (semibreve) to eighth note (quaver). From the very beginning the volume places a special emphasis on reading musical notation and offers training in moving from one string to another and basic bowing strokes. Large print and delightful colour illustrations make the volume especially appealing to children. Enclosed is a sheet of cut-out musical cards that allow young learners to invent many puzzle and guessing games and later to master scales and pitch names.


Essential Elements Double Bass Book 2/CD Essential Elements Double Bass Book 3/CD Early Start on the Double Bass, Volume 3 Early Start on the Double Bass, Volume 2 Essential Elements Double Bass Book 1/CD/DVD