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The Techniques of Bassoon Playing

 เพิ่มเมื่อ: 2019-04-28 23:52:56.0
 แก้ไขล่าสุด: 2022-11-18 11:15:53.0

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  • Filter-BassoonALL:ALL
  • CategoryBassoon
  • PublisherB?renreiter
  • CodeBVK1860
  • ISBN9783761818602
  • FormatBook & CD
  • Weigth (G)580
  • Width9"
  • Length12"
  • Pages126
  • Retail Price2340
  • Wholesale Price2340
  • ImageBVK1860
  • StatusOut of Stock
  • Song List? Geleitwort/Preface/Pr?face ? 1. Einleitung/Introduction/Introduction ? 2. Traditionelle Effekte und neue Kl?nge/Traditional Effects and Current Sounds/Effets traditionnels et sons actuels ? 3. Spektrale Effekte/Spectral Effects/Effets spectraux ? 4. Perkussive Effekte/Percussive Effects/Effets percussifs ? 5. Effekt ohne Rohr/Effects Without the Reed/Effets sans anche ? 6. Vibrato/Vibrato/Vibrato ? 7. Luftger?usch/Air Noise/Bruits avec l'air ? 8. Nat?rliche Atmung und Zirkularatmung/Natural Breathing and Circular Breathing/Respiration naturelle et respiration circulaire ? 9. Triller und Tremoli/Trills and Tremoli/Trilles et tr?moli ? 10. Glissando/Glissando/Glissando ? 11. Mikrotonalit?t/Microtonality/Microtonalit? ? 12. Fagott Plus/Bassoon Plus/Basson et... ? 13. Die Akustik des Fagotts/Bassoon Acoustics/Acoustique du basson ? 14. Das Kontrafagott/The Contrabassoon/Le Contrebasson ? 15. Ratschl?ge f?r Fagottisten zur Besch?ftigung mit dem neuen Repertoires/Advice too Bassoonists when Approaching the New Repertroire/Conseils aux bassonistes face au nouveau r?pertoire ? 16. Anh?nge/Appendices/Appendices ? ?ber den Autor/About the Author/Sur l'auteur
2340.00 บาท

Pascal Gallois is one of the leading international bassoonists. His book on the bassoon, which is the latest in the B?renreiter series of books on instrument playing techniques, systematically explains for the first time all the playing techniques and different ways of creating sound on the instrument. Using appropriate examples, it shows the player how to master these techniques and provides information for composers about the instrument�s possibilities as well as special notation. The book contains a CD recorded by Pascal Gallois with examples of sound techniques and information. This long-awaited book will be an essential tool for composers, interpreters and teachers, as well as for conductors, who want to keep abreast of the latest technical possibilities on the bassoon.


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